Parker, 2014
She will always hold a very special place in my heart as she was the one who made me a mother. She is my most spunky, sassy, and always tries to push the limits. She truly will test me to the end of the day, making sure I am always on my toes…but she wasn’t always like that! She was once what I called, “my ninja”!
Finding out I was pregnant – at 32 weeks
My then boyfriend and I had only been dating, well, about 10 months at that point. I had put on some weight, but not much…maybe 15 pounds. For me, that was barely even noticeable since I’m almost 6′ tall. It was just before Valentine’s Day 2014 and I was starting to feel uncomfortable in my regular jeans. Yes, I was still buttoning my regular skinny jeans at 32 weeks! To this day it is unbelievable to even me!
One morning when I was getting ready to go to my studio, my mom mentioned to me that the outfit I was wearing, I looked “disgusting.” Literally, she said I looked disgusting. I was wearing regular black leggings with a regular fitted t-shirt. I was planning to put something over top, but hadn’t gotten around to it. Quickly, I responded my disapproval to the comment and decided to immediately head to the pharmacy. I had one of two options: I was either pregnant or heading to the gym THAT NIGHT! I stopped by CVS and got a 3 pack pregnancy test and drove straight to my studio. Without hesitation I went to the restroom.

I took the test and immediately came back positive. I took another one and same thing. I saved the third for the following morning , but felt pretty darn confident that it would also be positive. I had no idea what to do. I had been on birth control for about nine moths previously and prior to that I was not sexually active. The very first thing I knew was: take a SELFIE!

What’s crazy is I totally looked pregnant there, but I was completely pushing out my stomach as far as I possibly could. When I actually held my abs at a normal place, I looked the farthest from pregnant. I texted a friend the crazy news and she was ecstatic. I proceeded to call a couple OBs to see what the next step was. At the time, before Obamacare, I had no health insurance and I had a really hard time finding a practice that would take me without insurance and being pregnant. I was sent to the Akron “women’s center”.
I made an appointment for two days later which was Valentines Day! After I found out how far along I was, that’s when I decided to tell everyone. My appointment was first ting in the morning. They measured my belly and it was THIRTY! I was floored! Because I was so far along and had no care prior, I was immediately sent upstairs where they did a full ultrasound, including anatomy, and deemed high risk. At the ultrasound, even crazier things happened. Based on the size of the baby, i was put at THIRTY-TWO weeks pregnant instead!
Step 3
ue vulputate massa nec feugiat fringilla. Fusce at euismod augue. Maecenas quis leo id lectus vestibulum interdum. Ut ut rhoncus risus, nec viverra nisl. Curabitur vitae nulla id eros interdum egestas ac sed odio.

Step 4
ue vulputate massa nec feugiat fringilla. Fusce at euismod augue. Maecenas quis leo id lectus vestibulum interdum. Ut ut rhoncus risus, nec viverra nisl. Curabitur vitae nulla id eros interdum egestas ac sed odio.

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08PM -12AM
12 PM – 02 AM